User inputs stock geometry as a CAD model; tool path file; and selects material of workpiece file from MACHpro's extensive material database. User also inputs various physical limits for MACHpro to check against during feed rate optimization. Some of these limits are already known by most process planners such as maximum chip load (provided by the tool supplier), and spindle torque & power limits (provided by machine tool manufacturer)
Tool path is executed by MACHpro to obtain the final part. Although this looks identical to CAM simulation of a tool path, MACHpro actually collects cutter workpiece contact information along tool path as the part is updated.
Using cutter workpiece contact information, MACHpro virtually analyses the entire machining process and detects NC blocks that violate user-defined limits of the process. Machining failures like tool over load, spindle over load, and chatter vibrations are all caught and necessary feed rate adjustments are automatically made. Moreover, MACHpro increases conservative feed rates and speeds up the process when for example the tool is leaving a cut or traveling in the air.
This new optimized NC program guarantees minimum cycle time while ensuring that the cutting process does not exceed any physical limits and fully utilizes the capacity of the existing equipment, tooling and processes.
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