May 12, 2011

An SME saves 32% on a mass production part with MACHpro NC Program Optimization

Our objective in this project was to develop a best practice method for an SME to improve their production processes and make them cost-efficient. We used MACHpro software as a platform to evaluate an existing G-Code. Our first analysis of the tool path showed that the tool - part engagement was constantly varying along the path, which meant that tool was used at its full capacity only at small sections of the program, which indicated an opportunity for process improvement. In addition, we realized that single feed value was used for the entire tool path (which is a typical CAM procedure) even though the tool wasn't even removing material.

At the first stage of  feed rate optimization, we configured MACHpro to maintain uniform chip load on the tool and calculate the most productive feed rates along the tool path. Then, we ran MACHpro to optimize feeds by respecting chip load and machine tool spindle limits, which generated a new program by inserting new feed commands. In MACHpro, we compared machining times for both programs and recorded time savings. Finally, we uploaded the new optimized G-Code onto the machine and tested our new program with actual cutting.

We ran old and new G-Codes on the machine, and achieved 32% reduction in cycle time with the new program. See videos below to see the feed command differences between original and optimized G-Code. Original code drove the machine at a constant feed of 25 inch/min because feed was planned based on the worst engagement condition, which was a full engagement. On the other hand, quick feed changes between 25 inch/min to 98 inch/min can be easily observed in the optimized G-Code. While optimizing, MACHpro ensured that maximum chip load and spindle power limits are not exceeded.


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